Cinnamon-Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding

Serves 2

1 cup milk, any kind you like (I like plain, unsweetened almond milk)

3 tablespoons chia seeds

1-2 packets stevia (more or less to taste)*

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 small pinch sea salt

Stir together all ingredients in a small bowl; refrigerate until it reaches your desired thickness, stirring occasionally.  (I usually chill mine about 2 hours, but overnight is fine.)

*Instead of stevia, you can use any sweetener you like in this recipe, such as maple syrup, honey, etc.  Here is a guideline on how sweet 1 packet of stevia is:  the amount of stevia in 1 packet measures 1/2 teaspoon, which is about as sweet as 2 to 3 teaspoons of regular sugar

*This pudding has a texture similar to tapioca pudding. Which I love!

*Chia Seeds are incredibly healthy for you! To read more about the health benefits of Chia Seeds go HERE.


chiativity said…
For more information about chia seeds, and some recipe ideas, check out my website: